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Dear “Erald Sun…Get yr Erlad Sun” Oh those memories…in Swanston St…
Hello common sense?? Is there anyone there??? Yes we have all lost our marbles and falling into a HELL HOLE…Did you see Q &A last night.( july 28)..Nothing special but I like Gigi from her past comments and seems to be the only voice of reason. I include my letter to her so I don’t have to repeat myself. but you will understand that we need a strategy to eliminate FEAR and to do that we need to demonstrate that this VIRUS is the early stages is easily knocked out using mainly complementary medicine and has been demonstrated to be effective but of course we need to prove it here and thus you guys in the media need to drive this…Let’s say we do have that TREATMENT and it was given to every POSITIVE case as a Health Pak…Yes lets keep the physical distancing until it is right down and the masks now in crowded places…to keep the rate of positives in check. Then we would not need to do all this expensive and time wasting tracking but any one with the slightest symptom get tested and get the pak if positive, and probably 1 week in isolation would be more than enough as this TREATMENT has been amazing even on a Pneumonia patient, reasonably severe case in a week. This was done under my direction in the Philippines and now the Dr and his team are so impressed they are doing more patients as out-lined in my letter to Gigi below…

I should have his documented results soon so I am hoping and praying it will be as good as our first trial. He will then address the medical board, so who knows after that. It has saved one life so far…and many in the States under Dr Bartlett using part of this Treatment…Of course we all know why no IMMUNE BOOSTING TREATMENT IS NEVER TALKED ABOUT…its all about the Pharma and drug industry…You can research that story.
Whatever the truth, we need to stop this destructive Lockdown strategy as it is clearly not working and sooner or later another Dan Mess will appear somewhere else. I hope they send him the bill for all this!!
In order to fly again we need a much better strategy and the EARLY TREATMENT IS THE BEST WAY TO GO…Snuff it out before it has a chance to develop…gee they are so dumb to say to a Positive case to just go home for 2 weeks and drink water…Just use your logic…in this time the virus has the time to build in the system and become deadly…So that is rubbish and dumb…Please do the research and do some articles on just what goes on..

PLEASE RESEARCH THE TIME LINE FOR THE SICK PATIENTS??? -we never hear the time line of those going to Hospital? How long is it after the positive reading? did they get any treatment…I say no!!…not til it is too late as i Brazil…..I asked a dr at the Austin and I asked him what he does for them…Oh we keep up the fluids…ie dextrose and that is sugar and feed bacteria….and ventilators…ie that is last resort and kills more than it saves…so it is all BS to put it mildly…In the US the hospitals were getting huge pay outs for every patient…Time you did a story on that and all the mess that went on there. BIG stories to be had…
Please investigate and let the people know what in hell is going on and PUSH an ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY THAT CAN FREE US BUT KEEP US SAFE AND NO MORE DEATHS OR LOCK DOWNS.
Can you check the survival stats in that image and publish the reality…
And every day in the SUN publish
1- how many positive cases
2- How many actually get sick…now anyone getting treated by a DR is a real case…the ones NOT having symptoms are NOT a real cases so lets redefine this mess..
3- How many die with details as to underlying chronic problems – age – how long after the positive test they became ill and the treatments dished out to them…You will find that they are simply NOT being treated..
Just stuck on a ventilator..Maybe Zinc as in the ICU in the Austin…but what else??? massive drugs maybe…But I bet NO nourishment , no vitamins to help the body recover…This is where modern medicine fails abmisimerly. It is time you told the TRUTH as to what is going on…No BLOODY WONDER THEY DIE. AND every day we hear Dan say that those who die are over 80 or 90…gee in the prime of life but what about the generations we are totally stuffing up…In the war years we sent our prime youth off and lost 10,000 in a day..and now we stuff another generation..Not good I agree…and yes we need to protect the vulnerable but look at the mess now…If only they were given this TREATMENT they would have a hope maybe..depending on underlying issues…as you know they are loaded up with Drugs and very impaired immune systems, so we are yet to see how they would fair…But at least give them a fighting chance..BUT they don’t…so sad…OK I hope you guys can do a better more contextual reporting job…If you want to explore further please see and COVID CHALLENGE….Sincerely Ian

A PLEA FOR SANITY: A woman feeling enormous stress with a son who has severe intellectual disability and it is very tough…cracking up….from Europes and wants to visit home…soon…like 10 million others…
To Prof Bill Bowtell The elimination of the virus is a phantasy.
The “blunder in hotel quarantine” in Victoria could happen anywhere at any time.
The economy has to go back to normal to sustain our billowing social safety net. Half the Australian population have loved ones overseas. Indefinite border closures are not an option.
You are advocating to condemn our young to years of unemployment in a prolonged depression.
These lockdown measures like we have in Melbourne and associated government support payments are not sustainable.
Kind Regards……..

Hello Gigi FOSTER – Good to see you last night on Q & A but I felt a fairly lackluster program and seems we do lack any vision for the future. If people like Prof Bill Bowtell at the Kirby Institute get their way we will have no future.

Just one point- wouldn’t it be better if we had a board of advisors instead of ONE Health advisor so that we have more options as to our health options? Like NATURAL HEALTH THEAPIES REPRESENTED…A 4 BILLION $ INDUSTRY…OR WAS…

I better not rave on Gigi but the real problem no one addresses is that NO ONE IS ACTUALLY TREATED. Check it out for yourself and speak to Doctors. They may put you on a drip and poke a deadly tube down your throat and fill you with anti bi’s but it is TOO LATE by the time they get to Hospital. Wouldn’t it make more sense to simply ISSUE A IMMUNE BOOSTER PAK to EVERY POSITIVE CASE and make sure the virus does not have a home to develop in?

I firmly believe it is not adequate to send someone home for two weeks and told to just drink water…This allows the disease to manifest and in vulnerable people it will be too late. Look at those two young nurses Lee Sales had on last night. I am trying to get word through to them about a trial in Philippines I am personally involved in.

A lass just came out of a very dangerous situation. 39.9 Temp. Could not move. Had nappy. No voice. Coughing to dry reaching…Pneumonia…was not looking good but she went on a complimentary medicine regime I had researched as well as a nebulizer -Rhinocort as described by Richard Bartlett. (see his you tube). Here is Lorna’s Dr comment: dr…..I see how fast the recovery went on my patient here in Philippines I heard that she uses the medication that is given by Mr Ian Charles Hacon who is the creator of this website even my colleagues are amazed at how fast she recovers from this virus just a week and its all gone now

This Doctor is now treating two more who have the virus to a serious degree and we will see what happens in the next few days. He will be addressing the medical board and will be releasing his trial details. Exciting if all goes well…

You mentioned last night if you had to choose between one person being killed or a dozen you would change direction and go for the one to save the others…fair enough…but lets try to avoid all death by a preventative TREATMENT…Now we must concede we have done a good job of getting this under reasonable control but we are killing the country and we are all becoming depressed and useless. LOCKDOWN HAS TO GO or we will see a break down and revolt…It is already happening…so now is the time to change our strategy to one of prevention so if every positive case was given a MED PAK to take and build the immunity we would have so very few disease conditions let alone Hospital cases.

Gigi have you ever asked HOW MANY ACTUALLY GET SICK ? So many don’t and have you asked WHY? I guess it is obvious..our IMMUNE SYSTEM so lets give it some support. NO ONE SUGGESTS SUCH A THING…Now that we have proven its effectiveness we should now do trials here and see how it goes so that we can safely lift the Lock down and get on with our lives and if we continue with PHYSICAL DISTANCING AND MASKS FOR A WHILE to keep the spread manageable, we will eventually have herd immunity and not destroy ourselves.

Did you hear the guy from the HERITAGE SOCIETY. All our iconic Heritage Tourist attractions are now insolvent…may have to sell the lot and what a tragedy….not to mention all our cultural and arts etc…on and on but people are NOT counting the cost of all this and our destruction…at least here in Melbourne.

Dan stuffed up by using people from corrupt Countries who have no training and what can we expect…so the cat is out of the bag..Virus is raging here… We have done away with full time staff and now casuals roam from age care to age care and now look at the mess. Once upon a time Hospitals had Nursing quarters and the nurses lived in and belonged to that Hospital…no more…so yes we have a mess and NO Vision to make it good….

Some how we need to push the idea to TREAT EARLY…and we can be world leaders and no need for lock down…

WHAT IS THE TREATMENT? I HAVE RESEARCHED THIS VERY WELL AND THERE ARE PLENTY OF OPTIONS and that is why we need to hear from all medical fields. Trials in India using Ayurveda have 100% cure in 4 days to a week or so…Obviously not using it wide spread…Too many there I guess…But here as a start the two big things that seem to be working very well are 1 & 2.

1- COLLOIDAL SILVER and I have put published material in the website to support this. 15 ml every 2 hours

2- NEBULIZER – RHINOCORT every 4 hours they did it

3-vit c – This should be to bowel tolerance. If very ill intravenous

4-Vit D – not sure what they did..2 in morning and 2 in evening..maybe more…In ICU they put it in the drip.

5-Echinacia.. 4 tabs every 4 hours…has always worked on the FLU very well with VIT C.. just for extra support

This simple regime gave the amazing result the Dr spoke about and now trying for a repeat with NO drugs. So watch this space but that Nurse on Lee Sales program really needs this info as the Doctors deny this simple and will documented information.

I have an aged care place just around the corner and has 34 cases…maybe more now out of 40…wouldn’t it be great if they would try something like this instead of dragging them off and stressing them and I guess many will die as they are denied a TREATMENT that will help them cope.

So in order for our ECONOMY TO RE BIRTH we need to take out the FEAR and offer a better strategy or we all die. Stress…if the virus doesn’t get us. Social breakdown. These so called MEDICAL EXPERTS DON’T CARE ABOUT the DAMAGE THEY ARE DOING. The University car parks are empty here…Nothing much going on and my friend lectures at RMIT – a DR of Chemistry and brilliant lecturer and has helped me in my research and he is on the job seeker now, for God’s sake.!!!..and guess what all the experienced staff are leaving in droves and they are hiring people who haven’t got a clue. They are now videoing experiments and the student now has to write a prac report from just watching it done on the screen and not getting hands on experience using equipment and chemicals etc..AND They want to keep it this way!!! How do you think these will go in the real world? Totally useless…we are killing everything Gigi…what is going on??…this wave of ignorance and destruction…there are no voices of light anywhere??? God help us…OHH sorry I did rave on…Good therapy I guess…I hope you can put this idea out there…need to remove the FEAR FACTOR- oh and do look at the recovery figures…I believe it is 98.97…something ridiculous. My web is

cheers…SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS…BE A LIGHT – well we try… Sincerely Ian

Gigi Foster

Professor, Director of Education

School of Economics – PhD in economics, University of Maryland, College Park | BA, magna cum laude in Ethics, Politics, and Economics, Yale University